Rolling Landing Page Website


Rolling landing page website - This simple, straight to the point website is the perfect start up option. Includes all the elements a customer would want to see about us, contact info, services, accreditations, photos, coverage areas and social media integration.

What’s included in the Rolling landing page website:

Website overview:
> WordPress responsive themed website
> Rolling landing page style website
> Customised to suit your branding and content
> Interactive elements and easy user layout
> Suits any screen size (mobile, tablet and desktop)

Key features:
> Branding and colour schemes to suit your business
> Hero image sliders
> Page anchor navigation
> Call to action references throughout
> About, Intro, workmanship, values content
> Company info, service locations, accreditations content
> Services section and references
> Instagram feed, social media integration and links
> Logo carousel, supplier, membership references
> Testimonials
> Photo gallery
> Contact, call back form
> Customised footer

Samples: (Builder) (Plumber) (Electrical) (Plastering) (Builder) (Construction) (Solar)

Base cost $1,200.00
All prices are inclusive of Artwork, GST & Development
No hosting required (provided by customer) $1,200.00
I require a domain, web hosting, SSL certificate* $1,300.00
I require a domain, email and web hosting, email setup and SSL certificate* $1,400.00
> Website copywriting (professional content writing) add $840.00

*Monthly costs: (Only If we are hosting)
cPanel email and web hosting $20.00 per month
SSL Certificate purchase, installation and maintenance $10 Per Month
G Suite for business / gmail - $10.00 per user / per month
(Additional G Suite users are $10.00 per month)^

Domain renewal:
Every 2 Years - $75.00

> Static design 3-4 days
> Website development from approval: 7-10 working days
> Content writing 7 days (if required)

Content outline (If required)
• Initial introduction email to coordinate a phone or face to face meeting.
• Work through a questionnaire to get understanding of your business and the tone that is required to portray your business online.
• The content will be created with two rounds of edits allocated, before final approval and loaded onto your new website.

What is the process:

  1. Once the product is purchased
  2. Our team will check the order and issue a design brief via email
  3. You must fill out the design brief via the link provided on the email
  4. We collect all business details, branding, content, photos and hosting details
  5. Your project is scheduled with our designers
  6. Static concept PDF layout provided for website visual
  7. Designers will liaise directly with refinements before finalising
  8. Website is sent to development
  9. Website launched with email including all logins and details

If you have any questions about the process or have any additional info to be supplied outside the design brief you can contact us via or on 1300 657 499.