
How to Deal Confidently with a Price Sensitive Customer

How to Deal Confidently with a Price Sensitive Customer

As many trade businesses are experiencing a shift in the purchasing demand for their services, together with media chatter around ‘rising costs of living’, a challenge being faced now is, how do I manage the price conscious customer, who may be out to shop around for a cheaper option?
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How to Prepare your Business for the 2024/25 Financial Year

How to Prepare your Business for the 2024/25 Financial Year

As we head into the new financial year it is a perfect time to review, reflect and reset the financial foundations of your business. In this article we will discuss who could be on your financial team to help you with important financial decisions on your business journey.

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Train Like a Champion Team

Train Like a Champion Team

In chatting with business owners about whether they should provide training for their employees, I often reply back with:  “It is not whether you should or should not, it is a question of how much you provide.”
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How to Simply Create an Even Better Business

How to Simply Create an Even Better Business

You see innovation is just asking a really simple question. The question is: "How do I serve my customers even better than I did yesterday?"

If you are looking to serve and deliver value to your customers even better than you did yesterday and looking at the way that you can modify processes, your product, and upgrade your people, then you are an innovator.

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How to Boost Team Productivity from the Inside Out

How to Boost Team Productivity from the Inside Out

Over the last three to four years, there has been an increased focus from business owners on boosting team and labour productivity. With rising costs, getting a return on labour has been more important than ever. Various methods have been tried such as providing financial incentives, working on healthy lifestyle practices, skill training, team building days and personal development.

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The Five Biggest Pricing Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

The Five Biggest Pricing Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

How much time do you invest in understanding and creating pricing models for your business? The reality is many business owners in the trade and construction industry are ‘winging it ‘when it comes to their pricing and in the process are compromising the ability of the business to generate consistently high profit margins.

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Do I Need a Business Plan for 2024?

Do I Need a Business Plan for 2024?

A simple 1-Page Plan (1PP) makes it easy for everyone in the company to know where they’re going and what they need to do to get there, without being bogged down by an overly complex business plan possibly riddled with unclear and even contradictory statements. Here’s what a 1PP can look like.

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Nine Ways to Manage Cash Flow During the Holiday Season

Nine Ways to Manage Cash Flow During the Holiday Season

The holiday season, spanning December and January, can be a challenging period for small business owners in the trade & construction industries. This time often brings fluctuating cash flow, which can significantly impact your businesses financial stability.
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Invest 30 Minutes &  Save A Day of Chaos!

Invest 30 Minutes & Save A Day of Chaos!

Think back to the last five challenges you have had in your business involving your team. It is most likely that they may have been avoided with clearer communication – and possibly a meeting.

I hear you say, “But meetings are boring and a waste of time!”

Meetings don't need to be boring. Boring meetings are usually run by boring people!

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